Monday, March 15, 2010

Mud Wrestling

This is yet another chapter in the "reach the swingset bar" challenge except in a WAY muddier version. Have you noticed how Hally is never in the middle? Well, according to Ace it's part of the game. He thinks he has to keep her out of the circle while trying to jump and reach the bar.
The one day he refused to play his game because Hally was out and about. He needed Hally to play the game if it only meant trying to keep her out of the circle. :)

Snow Play

Hally was having fun in the snow the other day and she just looked so cute! She was "attempting" to reach the top bar of the swing set. There were swings but the dogs got them so now they're new challenge is to reach the bar. Ironically enough, Ace is so close!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Chewing Bones

These bones aren't just for their entertainment. No, they're for their teething issues. The dreaded chewing dogs! If you leave them alone in the porch without a bone you'll end up losing a pair of shoes! So as you can see these are so important! Haha.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Puppies!

Adopted Mother: Jessie :)
Ace trying to bite the swing. Hmmm

Hally when it first snowed!


A little while after we got them.

When we first got them!

We got these little guys in June! About a month after Hobo past on. They are Border Collies. (Perfect for the farm or so we think!) The one with the brown on him is Ace and the one with just black and white is Hally. Hally is a girl and Ace is a boy. They are so adorable! A few of these pictures were from back in June and some are recent.

Hally is such a cow dog! She loves to herd things! My Aunt and Uncle were over and she tried to herd their Shitzus! It was hilarious! She is a bit timid at times and curious at the same time. (if that's even possible!)

Ace is the big baby! He will cuddle up on your lap as soon as you sit down! He's a bit chicken though. haha. We call him feathers at times. He's scared of the cows! Aren't all Border Collies born with the need to herd them? Apparently not. But he's still a good dog.

They have both adopted Jessie as their Mom. At first Jessie was pretty much like "What are these things?" but now she's grown to like them!

Sad :(

Unfortuneatly my sweet little baby boy, Hobo has been hit by a car. This happened quite awhile ago but it needs to be said. May you rest in peace bud. Have fun in the never-ending fields in Doggy Heaven.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The first official pictures of Spring!! It's kind of hairy these days...literally! haha bad joke. They're losing their winter fur so the lawn is more furry than grassy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Puppy Habit

When I walked into my house after school I was shocked to see Jessie curled up in the shoes! Hehe she only did that when she was a puppy! So, of course I had to take some pictures!
(Notice the shoe she has her foot on....thats my sweet shoes or one of them anyhow....)